Montag, 5. März 2012

Long time no see!

Hey boys and girls!
I didnt write a lot in the last time or uploaded some things. Well, I had a lot of things to do for my examination and this week I get my Graphic Novel back as a book. Its a lil bit creepy when Iam looking back and everything I can remember is that I drew for over 2 months at this story(no party,no friends,no family :´D) and now its done. Everything I did in the past for my study is gone and a new part of my life starts after the 21.03.12. Its a good feeling but I am scared too. of the things who scares me is the future. Hahaha...but I am looking forward and cant wait!!!!! ARR!

I have a lot of ideas which had to wait for this moment, I can draw the things I want...but...atm I visit my mother and she hasnt a scanner or a cable for my mobile phone. /:
So the only thing I can show you are some pages of my story. Maybe I want to apply me with this story. I dont know... :)

Do you have questions? Ask me,please. ;)
This page is one of the pages of my story: "Morphium". The text is German. So I dont know if there are any people who cant speak German. /:

To the picture: is another style as my "regular" style. But it was fun and I am a person who likes it to be experimental. :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. *_* pure prettyness! Reminds me on Benjamin's Manwa, do you know him?
    Would you upload more pages? *W*

  2. Haha.
    Thank you Chiruki!!
    I like Benjamin´s storys a lot. :)

    I thought about to upload more pages. Maybe the first chapter in the next time... ;)
