Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011


Merry X-MAS to everyone!!

I hope you are fine. Atm I visit my parents and I am really happy to be there, because its always a good feeling  to be at home after a long time. :)

What about you? Any plans for the next days?

Ok, today Iam showing you a website where you can buy some Graphic Novels. This publisher is new and I thought its a good idea to show you some things I like.


Sorry for visitors who are not coming from Germany...because its a german webpage. O:

In the next time I show you some new stuff. ;)

Bye bye and I wish you health, love and...more love!

Freitag, 9. Dezember 2011

School day...

Well, I practised photoshop again, because I wanna be a pro. Haha..
Ok..the painting is showing you a little raccoon with his mother. He has to say goodbye because he doesnt wanna come too late to school. They are living at the top of the mountains and love the nature. I like the imagination a lot that it gives other worlds who creatures live in harmony with the "earth"...

It has to be great to live where the little raccoon live. But...I am afraid of the hill. D´: